Below is a Copy of HSTA Covid-19 Guidelines for 2021. Details for 2022 will be added here before we open!
UPDATED 5-26-21
Hillandale Swim and Tennis Association
COVID-19 Guidelines for 2021 Swim Season
In accordance with state and county regulations and guidance, HSTA is implementing the following COVID-19 Guidelines for the 2021 swim season. These Guidelines supplement our existing operating procedures and override those procedures if there is any overlap.
These Guidelines are intended to encourage the CDC best practices, including:
• Maintaining good social distance (6 feet)
• Washing your hands often with soap and water
• Routinely cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces
• Covering your mouth and nose with a face covering when around others
But even with these practices, coming in contact with people outside your household – whether at the pool or elsewhere – increases your chances of contracting the virus. All persons entering the HSTA property must sign the attached waiver of liability.
The HSTA Board will evaluate these Guidelines regularly and make changes as state and county restrictions are modified and to promote the safety of staff, volunteers, and members. If you have suggestions, please contact us through the HSTA website:
1.1 Capacity. The pool is open at its normal capacity.
1.2 Guests & Parties. Members may bring guests to the pool consistent with the HSTA guest and event policy. Members must:
a) provide the full name, address, and contact information for each guest; b) pay guest/event fees by exact change, check, or PayPal; and
c) ensure that their guests adhere to the pool rules and these Guidelines.
2.1 COVID Symptoms. Members experiencing cough, fever, or shortness of breath should not come to the pool.
2.2 Face Coverings. Face coverings are not required outdoors, though strongly encouraged for members who are not vaccinated. Members who are not fully vaccinated must wear face coverings indoors (i.e., in the bathrooms).
2.3 Social Distancing. Our tables, chairs, and loungers are arranged to encourage a separation of 6 feet between staff and members of different household groups.
2.4 Minors. Children younger than 12 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian in their household group. Parents and guardians are responsible for monitoring their children’s adherence to the pool rules and these Guidelines.
2.5 Restrooms. Showers and changing rooms are high contact areas, so members are encouraged to shower before coming to the pool and arrive wearing their swimming attire. Soap will be available for hand washing.
2.6 Hand Sanitizer. Members are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes. Hand sanitizer will be available at the guard desk.
2.7 Signage. Signs will be posted prominently:
2.7.1 COVID-19 symptoms: STOP – guard desk and bulletin board
2.7.2 Handwashing Reminder – around designated areas and restroom exits
2.7.3 HSTA Pool rules – entrance, guard desk
3.1 Main Pool
3.1.1 Capacity. The pool is open at its normal capacity.
3.1.2 Chlorination. Chlorine and pH levels will be maintained per current regulation, including shock or super-chlorination as needed.
3.1.3 Lap Lanes. More than one member per lap lane is permissible with appropriate social distancing.
3.1.4 Face Coverings. Members should not wear face coverings in the pool.
3.1.5 Pool Entry. To allow social distancing when entering or exiting the pool, standing or sitting on the stairs or ladders is not permitted.
3.1.6 Inflatables. No inflatables (aside from arm floaties) are permitted.
3.1.7 Diving Well. The diving boards are high contact areas. As always, members should not linger on the boards or climb down the high dive ladder.
3.2 Wading Pool. The wading pool is open at its normal capacity.
3.3 Pavilions. The pavilions may be reserved for small events. At other times, members may use the pavilions on a first-come, first-served basis and are encouraged to maintain 6 feet from members in other household groups.
3.4 Tables and Chairs. Tables and chairs will be arranged to support social distancing and are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Lifeguards will wipe down high contact areas periodically, but members are encouraged to wipe down the chairs and tables before and after use. Members may bring their own chairs, but should be
considerate of other members in placing their chairs.
3.5 Courts and Gaga Pit. The basketball, volleyball, and tennis/pickleball courts and the Gaga Pit are all open on a first-come, first-served basis.
3.6 Snack Bar Area
3.6.1 The Snack Bar will be open. Members should not linger at the Snack Bar.
3.6.2 The soda machine, refrigerator, and microwave are available for member use. However, because these areas are indoors and too small to permit social
distancing, only one person is permitted in the area at a time.
3.7 Barbeque Grill. The grill is open.
4.1 Staff will verify membership at the guard desk using membership rosters.
4.2 Guest fees can be paid via exact change, check, or PayPal. Guards will not have change.
5.1 As always, members must throw away all trash and take all belongings with them.
5.2 Members must stop at the guard office and check out before leaving.
6.1 At least two lifeguards will be on duty at all times.
6.2 Lifeguards who exhibit cough, fever or shortness of breath are required to stay home.
6.3 Lifeguards who not are fully vaccinated must wear face coverings at the guard desk and when moving around the premises. Lifeguards who are fully vaccinated are not required to wear face coverings but will have access to disposable masks.
6.4 Lifeguards will have access to hand sanitizer in the guard office.
6.5 The primary duty of lifeguards who are actively lifeguarding is pool safety. Lifeguards are not policing member use of face coverings or social distancing. We rely on members to follow these Guidelines and be considerate of other members.
6.6 Lifeguards who are not actively lifeguarding will manage check-in and check-out.
6.7 Lifeguards will clean/brush pool tile/wall at the water line at least once a week.
6.8 Lifeguards will maintain a daily cleaning log.